
We make holes in teeth!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Mickey Mouse

So this is what life has evolved to:

Yes that is Mickey's head sitting in the bucket of a John Deere tractor. I feel it is not only my obligation to buy presents for my daughter which offset the girlie-girlie theme my mother seems to follow, but also to sever the heads off various gender neutral toys and put them together as seen in the image above. Actually the head fell off on it's own. I just used the tractor to cart it away.

As we were smashing some of the block houses that we built last night with Julia's Mr. Kennedy action figure (that I bought her Saturday), Nat asked me if I wasn't sure I didn't want a boy after all. No, I told her. If I had a boy I would buy him pink purses and shit and that might not go over so well once he got to high school. Figure worst case Julia can beat up most of the girls by that age and bust out the John Deere tractor for the rest.

I forgot to mention that we found the Vitalon tea which I was addicted to in Taiwan this past weekend at the Kam Man market in Edison on route 1. We were both pretty stoked. We got 4 big bottles, each of which equates to 2.5 of the smaller sized ones I was drinking on vacation. The cost was $2 a bottle which comes out to 80 cents each. In Taiwan they were 20 NT which equates to 67 cents each. That comes out to 13 cents a bottle to ship them here. Pretty damn reasonable if you ask me. In addition, we were reminded that the Kam Man in Edison is much better than the one in Parsippany. We also picked up some fresh soymilk, a few sticky rice things*, and a few buns which were still warm.

Quick spin on the bike this morning but not much. I'm working from home tomorrow so I should be able to get outside for an hour and change. I'll also likely be dragging Julia up and over the hill to the playground a lot since the weather has warmed up today. Finally it looks like winter is giving up the ghost and conceding defeat for another half-year or so. It will be time to mow the lawn before you know it. I'm almost done raking last year's leaves.

* no idea what to call them in English and I'm sure you don't care.



  • At 9:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    dude. that's mickey's head.


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