
We make holes in teeth!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Cycle 32

Forgot this from Wednesday after work:

This train is packed.

Victim: Summit, white, woman, 19-29, not fat, not married, not regular. Average height, long straight brown hair, another of the clear gloss fingernail crew. She reads a book, Everyone Worth Knowing. She's pretty non-descript. Average looks, kinda buried in her own little book world, not encumbered by the social politics of sitting next to a guy who puts superhero outfits on his fat ass and rides his bike. Black sweater, black skirt, faded white bag.

Holy shit interaction!

She starts mumbling when the conductor comes by.

Me: Huh?
Her: I have to buy a ticket.

Well she has no money, and fumbles around in her wallet. The conductor says he'll come back. I suggest telling him that she forgot her monthly at work or something, anything so he can say he did his job. She mumbles some more, and agrees. It's a valid strategy, I've seen it work before. They never make you buy a ticket.

She mumbles some more, then says it's a good idea. She seems sorta oblivious and uncaring, as if nothing is real. She eventually dives back into her book.

The conductor never comes back.

I tried to snap a picture but my phone rang. It was Steve.

Assessment: Good, regardless of the entertainment provided.



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