Blackberry Blogging
I'm going to go ahead and create this blog entry on my Blackberry,
since the entry is about just that. I got this new contraption
from work just a few weeks ago and they finally turned on the
data last week. I have to say this is one of the coolest goddamn
gizmos you could have added to my train ride. Between my book,
magazine, Ipod phone, and this thing I'm immediately suffering
from media overload.
I'm sitting on the train as I write this, outside of the South
Orange station watching the people get off and meander their way
home to eat dinner. A life surely not as rich as it could be were
they to add a blackberry to it. Or something.
Of course, the idea would be to use it for work, and I actually
do! Used to be the case that I would want nothing to do with work
as soon as I left the building, and for the most part that remains
true. But now I keep up email as I go to and from work, as well as
reading all my bike blogs en route. And of course there's
brickbreaker, a modern version of pong.
So anyway, home I go, reading my email, typing blog entries with
my new toy, playing games, and catching up with the biking world
at large. Incredible how far we've come. When I was a kid we used
to actually speak to one another. Now, and I'm not making this up
at all, both myself and the guy next to me are hammering away at
our blackberrys. So goes the future of communication.
At the very least maybe this will make more time for me to post
to the blog more.
Labels: blachberry, commute
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