
We make holes in teeth!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Day 5 Pictures

Not a whole lot of time this morning as I actually slept until 5:00 this morning, so I think things are getting back to "normal" for me with my sleeping. That means I don't have an endless amount of time to do things in the morning. So a quick recap of the pictures from day 5.

Just a cute picture of Julia as she plays with the flywheel of the exercise bike.

Out on the streets among the street vendors. There are endless little "stands" like this, where a stand is really nothing more than a crate with vegetables, sometimes propped up on a crate, other times plopped on a piece of cardboard.

They also sell meat. Note the pig snout to the right.

Your typical busy street, where everything is very vertical. This is much wider than most, as it's a fairly major road going through town.

More of the same as above, but with big mountains in the background. I'm a sucker for mountains in the background.

Sometimes people have little more than a few pounds of scallions to sell. These vendors just plop down in a convenient location to sell their veggies. Note how these people dress when it's 75 degrees and humid.

When it rains, just bust out the umbrella.

Nat and Julia as we hit the International Park, or whatever it was called. We played a little bit on the wooden deck area before we walked through the shops in the village. Here Julia probably saw something that made her nervous and she latched herself to mom.

But she forgot all about it when I started throwing her around a bit.

Julia already knows how to look cute for the camera. After 36 years I still make faces. Man I'm balding fast. Oh, and notice how Julia and I accessorize in our shirt selection. Very sleek pair we are.

At the public alter of a Buddhist temple in the park. These are everywhere in the country as well.

Julia and grandpa, taking a walk while we eat some dessert.

Walking down the street of the village, which is littered with places for you to dump your money.

One of the displays on the other side of the park. This is a tree/bush with leaves, the entire thing is made of gold. Pretty flashy.

And that's a wrap on day 5 pictures.

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